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of the Iceberg

Protect your furnace!

Electrical surge protection is a common consideration for all our electronics in the home.


Commercial Rooftop Unit

Lennox Commecial Rooftop Unit

Commercial Rooftop Unit

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Can I use an existing well for my Geo loop?

The use of an existing well is a possibility but generally not conducive to a proper closed loop installation. The depth of the well and size of casing will be a consideration. Vertical loops are generally drilled by way of a 3' casing to a depth determined by the loop requirement. The well is then filled with a slurry to optimize heat transfer. The number of wells required is calculated as per the heating / cooling load of the home

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Tempcast Masonry Heater

Tempcast Masonry Heater

You may have heard these unique heaters referred to as masonry stoves or Russian stoves - they are also known as Russian heaters, German tiled stoves (kachelöfen and grundöfen), Finnish masonry stoves or Finnish contra-flow fireplaces. Temp-Cast wood heaters provide the many benefits of masonry heating such as unmatched performance, improved indoor air quality, healthy heating and reduced environmental impact

Standard Kit includes:

  • Refractory modules
  • Refractory cement
  • Ceramic fibre gasket
  • Corrugated spacers
  • 2 Cast-iron cleanout doors
  • 1 Cast-iron firegrate
  • Door fasteners & construction manual
  • Total shipping weight - 2800lbs

(Requires adapters and chimney system)