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of the Iceberg

Want to save on heating costs?

You can save up to 10% on your heating bill by simply turning down your thermostat by 1 degree


Viessmann Vitocrossal 200 Boilers

Commercial Boiler replacement

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


I am not getting enough water pressure from my Well

Well water pressure can be indicative of a number of issues but a simple check is to ensure your pressure tank is properly charged. The tank pressure should be 2PSI below your pump cut-in pressure setting.

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Harman XXV Pellet Stove

Harman XXV Pellet Stove

The XXV Pellet Stove offers exquisite cast-iron detailing in a high-performance pellet stove. It is loaded with premium technology and designed to highlight the many years of Harman excellence.

  • 50,000 BTUs—Heats up to 2,300 square feet
  • 65 lb. hopper capacity
  • Keep your room temperature exactly where you want it. Exhaust sensing technology constantly monitors and adjusts heat levels within 1 degree
  • The quietest Harman pellet stove ever