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of the Iceberg

Avoid using 90* elbows when installing stove pipe

Avoid using 90* elbows when installing stove pipe. Use 45* elbows whenever possible for horizontal…

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Do I need to have a WETT inspection on my wood appliance?

It is not mandatory to have an inspection done. However, your Insurance carrier will require an inspection upon renewal of your policy

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Excel Ultrablack Double Wall Stove Pipe

Excel Ultrablack Double Wall Stove Pipe

Only ULTRABlack is covered by a true, no questions asked, 100% full replacement, LIFETIME WARRANTY

Hi-tech Performance - Old Fashioned Appearance

Double Wall Construction with a 3/8” air space between inner and outer pipes provides superior insulating value to single wall pipe. Better insulating value keeps flue gas temperatures higher. This helps your woodstove perform with an enhanced draft, which provides:

  • less chance for moisture or soot build up within the vent
  • reduced smoking of the stove at start up
  • increased efficiency
  • ULTRABlack not only keeps the flue temperatures higher, it keeps the outer pipe temperatures cooler. This allows ULTRABlack to be installed with only 6” clearance to combustible materials. Single wall stove pipe requires an 18” clearance, which typically means your wood stove sits further away from the wall and takes up valuable space within the room.

Most attractive double wall product on the market; no unsightly slots or vents

The outer casing is constructed of Satin coat steel. Satin coat is attractive and durable when painted. ULTRABlack is painted with Forrest “Stove Bright” premium quality, high temperature paint to provide a rich appearance that complements your woodstove.