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of the Iceberg

Want to save on heating costs?

You can save up to 10% on your heating bill by simply turning down your thermostat by 1 degree


Veissmann Vitocrossal Installation

Commercial replacement of two existing boilers with new Veissmann

Veissmann Vitocrossal Installation

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Do I need to have a WETT inspection on my wood appliance?

It is not mandatory to have an inspection done. However, your Insurance carrier will require an inspection upon renewal of your policy

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Electrostatic Air Filter

Electrostatic Air Filter

It works by using natural electrical charges to trap dust, pollen, pet dander and other airborne irritants. Static electricity is created as air passes through the various layers of the filter trapping 89% of airborne contaminants. A permanent solution with a lifetime warranty means you never have to buy another filter again.

Comes in all standard sizes. Call for custom sizing