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Date stamp your furnace filter

Monitor your filter changes more effectively by dating the filter whenever you replace it

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


How often should I get my furnace serviced

Most manufacturers recommend annual service on all gas fired appliances and in some cases will void the warranty for lack of service. Regular maintenance can provide for better efficiency and prevent premature failure, both of which can result in substantial cost savings to the homeowner.

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Blaze King APEX-CBT Catalytic Wood Furnace

Blaze King APEX-CBT Catalytic Wood Furnace

Features include: 

  • Accepts Large 26” Logs or Fuel Length
  • Use As Stand Alone Furnace or in Combination With an Existing Furnace
  • Long Overnight Burns With Large 5.7 Cubic Foot Firebox
  • Catalytic Post Burn With Preheated Secondary Air
  • 12 Gauge Firebox With Cast Liner and Thermal Firebrick
  • 20 Gauge Insulated Cabinet
  • Wall Mounted Thermostat
  • Optional VB 1000 Blower


Average Efficiency 87.2%
Low Heat Value (LHV) 90.7%
Btu Output-High 47,996
Btu Output-Low 13,779
Emissions gr/hr 3.3

