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of the Iceberg

Want to save on heating costs?

You can save up to 10% on your heating bill by simply turning down your thermostat by 1 degree


Viessmann Vitocrossal 200 Boilers

Commercial Boiler replacement

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


How often do propane tanks need to be recertified

All propane cylinders must be recertified every 10 years. 

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Air Handler / Heat Pumps FAQs

Do I need a roof over my heat pump?

Some manufacturers insist a roof over your heat pump is not necessary. However, in some cases where the unit may not be running consistently, snow can accumulate inside the unit and cause issues on startup. If you prefer not to install a shelter,  you should ensure all snow is cleaned off the heat pump on a regular basis

At what temperatue does a heat pump become ineffective?

Air source heat pumps are dependant on outside air temperature and become less efficient as the temperature drops. We recommend -10C as a set point where the heat pump should default to a backup heat source