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of the Iceberg

Make sure you have enough chimney

A rule of thumb for determining how much chimney you need for proper woodstove performance is…


Viessmann Vitocrossal 200 Boilers

Commercial Boiler replacement

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Can I use an existing well for my Geo loop?

The use of an existing well is a possibility but generally not conducive to a proper closed loop installation. The depth of the well and size of casing will be a consideration. Vertical loops are generally drilled by way of a 3' casing to a depth determined by the loop requirement. The well is then filled with a slurry to optimize heat transfer. The number of wells required is calculated as per the heating / cooling load of the home

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How often do propane tanks need to be recertified

All propane cylinders must be recertified every 10 years. Dates can be verified on new cylinders by checking for a manufacturers 4 digit month/year stamped on the collar. Cylinders that have previously been recertified will have an aftermarket 6 or 8 alphanumeric stamp that will read like the following example: 02X07E or 07ABC07E. The first two digits are the month followed by the certification code followed by two digits representing the year. Once the 10 year cycle has passed, it is not legal to refill the cylinder until it has been inspected and certified.