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of the Iceberg

Soldering copper

Your solder should always be placed on the opposite side of the pipe where the flame is directed.…


Renaissance Fireplace Installation

Model 1500 Renaissance Rumford installed in a Great Room

Renaissance Fireplace Installation

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Can I add different makes of chimney to my existing chimney system?

No, chimney components from different manufacturers cannot be combined. Code dictates that a chimney system must be comprised of components as certified by one manufacturer. Futhermore, most components are designed in such a way as not to fit correctly if matched with another system's components,  rendering it not only uncertified but extremely unsafe.

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Bradford White Electric Waterheaters

Bradford White Electric Waterheaters

The Energy Saver line of upright electric models features the power of the Hydrojet® Total Performance System and the convenience of electricity. Available in single and double element models, these water heaters give you the power you need to heat water with electricity. 

Bradford White Gas Water Heater

Bradford White Gas Water Heater


These water heaters utilize a draft diverter and are atmospherically vented with capacities ranging from 29 to 60 gallons and inputs ranging from 30,000-50,000 BTU's and are perfect for many standard water heating applications. 

Navien Tankless Condensing Water Heater

Navien Tankless Condensing Water Heater

The Ultimate in Energy Efficiency with Hi-Tech Comfort

Rheem Electric Waterheaters

Rheem Electric Waterheaters

Quality water heaters for every need. Rheem proudly brings the best to you. They specialize in engineering and manufacturing water heaters and have developed this expertise over fifty years of continuous improvement and innovation.