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of the Iceberg

Make sure you have enough chimney

A rule of thumb for determining how much chimney you need for proper woodstove performance is…


Viessmann Vitodens 200 Boiler

Twin Vitodens 200 Boiler Installation

Viessmann Vitodens 200 Boiler

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


What makes a clean burning woodstove?

All EPA approved woodstoves have some form of a re-burn system engineered into the stove. Some use Catalytic combustion technology and others use a secondary burn technology. Both work very well but differently. 

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Commercial and Residential grade Thermostats:

  • Lennox
  • Honeywell
  • Nest

Sales & installation

Direct Digital Controls:

  • Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer
  • Siemens Talon VAP

Sales, design, installation, programming, service, preventative maintenance, retrofits

Electric Controls:

  • Tekmar
  • Honeywell
  • Johnson Controls
  • Timers & Relays

Sales, installation, service, retrofits, repairs

HVAC Pneumatics:

  • Retrofits for HVAC pnuematic systems
  • Hybrid DDC/Pnuematic systems

Parts sales, system service, calibrations, retrofits, repairs

Gas Detection:

  • Vulcain (Honeywell)
  • Critical Environmental Technologies (CET)
  • Quatrosense Environmental Ltd. (QEL)
  • Automation Components Inc (ACI)

Parts sales, service, repairs and annual calibration (CO, CO2, NOx, combustibles, etc.)

iHarmony Zoning System

iHarmony Zoning System

The iHarmony® zoning system allows you to change the temperature throughout the house, or change it in specific areas, with just a few taps of the thermostat or even your phone.